18 September 2002
The UCLA Foundation, UCLA Fund
P.O. Box 24209
Los Angeles, CA 90099-4214
To Whom It May Concern:
I have received your appeal to renew my support for the UCLA Fund. I have not contributed a great deal in the past, but I suspect that every bit helps.
However, I will not be renewing or expanding my support. This is because I pay attention to the news, and my understanding is that the Administration of the University of California is doing everything in its power to institute policies that discriminate against my own racial/gender group, i.e. "white males." This is, as it happens, illegal, but that has not prevented consistent attempts to avoid the law and pursue such policies.
Also, I would no longer be admitted to UCLA anyway, since I had poor grades and was admitted on the strength of my SAT scores. Now, I understand, admission is based on a combination of grades, SAT scores, and political considerations (i.e. ethnic, racial, and PC factors). Since there has been grade inflation, but SAT deflation, over the years, one might think that SAT scores would be a better indication of promising students than ever. But no. I see that the Administration of the University wants to eliminate the use of SAT scores, apparently to make it easier to hand out admissions to the University as political rewards.
In the Depression my father had to drop out of UCLA after two years in order to work to support his parents and sisters. I am a Lifetime Member of the UCLA Alumni Association. But now the behavior of the University of California is despicable and shameful. It amounts to a hostile and personal assault upon me. Please do not ask me again for money until you have returned to being an American, not a Soviet, institution.
Yours truly,
Kelley L. Ross II, Ph.D.
Class of 1972