Los Angeles Valley College, Fall 2003         K.L. Ross, kross@friesian.com
Philosophy 9, Symbolic Logic I                   Office:  Campus Center 224
Tu 6:45-9:55 PM (3302), CC 205                       Phone:  (818) 947-2467


TEXTS:        Elementary Logic, by Benson Mates

CONTENTS:  This course is intended to familiarize students with the basics
    of formal deductive logic, specifically as this is now found in
    Benson Mates' system of symbolic logic.  You will not be responsible
    for everything in the textbook.  The book is written in logician's
    jargon and is difficult to understand.  I will make clear what is
    important as we go along and will have handouts on important material
    -- the handouts can also be found at the class website,
    http://www.friesian.org/valley/.  The following divisions do not
    represent equal periods of time; the bulk of the course may consist
    of part II.

    I.  Truth Functional Connectives & Truth Tables:  chapter 6.   Quiz I
    II.  SC Derivations:  chapter 6.   Quiz II
    III.  Quantified Translations:  chapter 5.   Quiz III
    IV.  Aristotelian Syllogisms and Derivations with Quantifiers:
       chapter 7.  Quiz IV &, if time allows, Quiz V
    Final:  6:45 PM, Tuesday, December 16th, CC 205

ATTENDANCE:  This class only has one textbook.  It will be
    supplemented by some material not found in the book, but the most
    difficult thing about the class will be the need to practice
    doing truth tables, translations, and proofs.  In some ways these things
    will look simple, but they really can be very, very difficult.  If you
    like algebra or computer programing, you will love this stuff; but if
    you have a problem with mathematical or algorithmic reasoning, this
    will be a difficult class.  For most people it will be essential for
    you to do the homework and to be in class to have sufficient experience
    with the material.  Believe me, you will not do well unless you
    are present for the class or arrange to work over material with
    students who are present.  Tape recorders may be used during class.

    Attendance is no longer taken for each class meeting.  No
    student will be excluded for non-attendance after the first three weeks.
    Do not report absences to me.  It is your own responsibility to drop the
    class if you wish to do so (final drop date:  November 21st).  Anyone
    on the roster at the end of the semester who has not been present for
    the tests will receive an F.  It is your responsibility to obtain from
    other students any material or assignments you miss when absent.

    Holidays this semester are Veterans Day, November 11, and Thanksgiving,
    November 27-28th.  The last day of classes is Friday, December 12th.

    Note well:  Anyone who persistently disrupts my class by talking,
    arriving late, repeatedly leaving & returning, or through any other
    distracting or inconsiderate behavior may be instructed to leave the
    class.  If you do not want to be here, don't come in the first place.

OFFICE HOURS:  My office hours are MWF 7:30-8:00 & 11:10-11:45 AM,
    TuTh 6:30-6:45 PM, and by appointment in CC 224.  The phone number is
    (818) 947-2467.  This is a direct line, and no one else will answer
    the phone.  You should call during office hours.  If you call at
    other times, you can leave messages on voicemail.  You do not need
    to report absences, or your reasons for them, by voicemail.  Do not
    leave messages for me to call you, without the times you can be
    reached at your number.  I will not return calls if all you want is
    to be brought up to date for classes you have missed.  Any inquiries
    by e-mail can be answered within a couple of days:  kross@friesian.com

TESTS:  There will be several quizzes and a final.  The quizzes will be
    given at intervals (every few weeks) as units of the class are
    completed.  Extra credit questions will be given in the weeks
    following some of the quizzes, both to make up missed quizzes and to
    improve poor grades.  If you miss the final and cannot take it at
    another time I have scheduled, you cannot make it up during the current
    semester and will be credited with an F unless you request an
    Incomplete--which you may do simply by leaving a message for me before
    I turn in the grades.

    The tests will consist of problems (truth tables, translations, and
    proofs).  Missed quizzes will count as F's unless made up.  Point
    values are assigned to grades as follows:  F=0, D=3, C=6, B=9, A=12.
    Minuses subtract one point, and pluses add one.  A C+ is thus worth 7.
    The final will count half of your grade and will be comprehensive.
    The course grade thus will be = {[Quiz I + Quiz II + Quiz III + Quiz IV
    + 4x(Final)]/8}.  The lowest quiz grade (or an F for a missed quiz)
    will be dropped if the grade is improved by the substitution of the
    grade of the other quiz or of the final with the penalty of one letter
    grade (subtracting 3 points).  For instance, an A+ (13) on the final
    means that a quiz grade lower than a B+ (10) is replaced with a B+.  If
    the course grade is as much as 10 (B+), without rounding, an A will be
    awarded.  If a 7 (C+), a B; a 4 (D+), a C; and a 1 (F+), a D.

    Quizzes will have a point value of 10, with 10/9=A, 8/7=B, 6/5=C,
    4/3=D, & 2/1/0=F.  Extra credit questions will have a point value of 5.
    To determine whether an extra credit question improves a quiz grade,
    the quiz point value is credited only up to a value of 5, and then the
    extra credit point value is added.  Thus if the quiz was 6=C and the
    extra credit score was 3, the 6 is reduced to a 5, and the result is
    5+3=8=B.  Or, if the quiz was 4=D and the extra credit score was 5, the
    result is 4+5=9=A.  The same procedure is repeated for further extra
    credit questions.

    I reserve the right to exclude or fail anyone who turns in work that
    they have not done themselves or who cheats in any other way.  On the
    other hand, all tests in this class will be open book and open note.
    The only thing you may not do is consult with your neighbors.

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