Kelley Ross,
2006 Candidate
for United States
Congress, 28th
Oh No! A Libertarian! | |
He's against all these:
But he's in favor of all these:
No, but these are all the Freedom and Constitutional Government, guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, especially the Ninth and Tenth Amendments! | |
Reject the Left! | Reject the Right! |
Libertarians, the Founding Fathers sent us!
A thief is more moral than a congressman; when a thief steals your money, he doesn't demand you thank him. Walter Williams
Unfortunately, Larry has been drifting in a conservative direction. First, he got a bit carried away with Israel, although I tend to agree more with him than with other libertarians about a forward defense in U.S. foreign policy. Worse, however, was when he agreed with Ann Coulter that there was no "right to privacy" in the Constitution. Larry, try reading the Ninth Amendment! My view is that this makes Larry test out as a conservative rather than a libertarian. Now Larry has actually joined the Republican Party! Well, at least he is still against the drug war.
Bill Maher, formerly of "Politically Incorrect," who has often called himself a libertarian, is all too often a standard, politically correct leftist -- though he is seen in Playboy, which not all Democrats (Gore-Lieberman), apparently, can tolerate. For a while he looked like he might have been coming around. When Harry Browne was on the August 24, 2000 show, Bill told him "You're my guy," and in answer to the question whether he would vote for him said, "Would I vote for Harry? Absolutely I would." Now, however, it turns out that Bill voted for Ralph Nader, a socialist whom no self-respecting libertarian would touch with a ten foot pole.
Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress, but I repeat myself. Mark Twain
It is clear to me now that the
Republic no longer functions.Queen Amidala [Star Wars, The Phantom Menace, 1999]
If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains set lightly upon you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.But, you do not have the authority to surrender my rights, sell me into slavery, or have your armed agents attack me for peacefully disposing of my own person and property as I see fit, in voluntary relationships with others. If you do that, then you are criminals; and I have an absolute right, before God and the Constitution, to defend myself against the wrongs and injustice of your criminal assaults and the tyranny of your politicians, judges, bureaucrats, and officers (good Germans, all of them). Mind your own damn business, and leave me the hell alone! But if you want the goons and tax collectors off your back too, you can always vote for me!
-- Samuel Adams [not just beer]
Yes, I admit it, I am a recovering Democrat (like Roy Innis, at right). To my eternal shame, I first voted in 1972 for George McGovern, then in 1976 for Jimmie Carter. I was even a card carrying member of the ACLU and the Sierra Club. I sat out 1980 but then voted for Walter Mondale in 1984 and Michael Dukakis in 1988.
Next it was Libertarians from 1992 to 2004. From now on, it will only be Libertarians!
Brother Otter (Tim Matheson): This situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part.Brother Bluto (John Belushi): We're just the guys to do it.
National Lampoon's Animal House (1978)
I want the people of America to be able to work less for the government and more for themselves. I want them to have the rewards of their own industry. That is the chief meaning of freedom. Until we can re-establish a condition under which the earnings of the people can be kept by the people, we are bound to suffer a very distinct curtailment of our liberty.Calvin Coolidge, State of the Union message, December 3, 1924
But trading freedom for security, just as trading freedom for equality, results in neither.
Soon, for breaking some obscure and contradictory bureaucratic regulation or other, perhaps even for smoking cigarettes in our own homes (the California health Nazis just decided that people can't even smoke in bars anymore), they'll have the entire Nation in prison, fed and clothed (poorly) for "community service" slave labor, and it will be too late. As Thomas Jefferson said,
The Welfare State also makes a Police State necessary, for we make ourselves feudal vassals of politicians and bureaucrats. That they have powers we never thought of giving them, and always get a better share of "benefits" for being "public servants," is occasionally obvious to all; but the lesson has not been learned well enough for people to stop electing Demopublicans and Republicrats, all equal advocates of the Welfare/Police State. When politicians talk about "compassion," remember that there is the iron fist in that velvet glove: If you don't want to practice or pay for quite the "compassion" that they require, men with guns will come after you.
Motto of the Democratic Party There's a sucker born every minute. Motto of the Republican Party
Don't, worry, we'll do all the things
the Democrats say they'll do, just
not as much; and, by the way, we're
not going to allow you to offend God.Motto of the Libertarian Party I'll mind my own business, and I
expect you to mind yours.
A little government and a little luck are necessary in life, but only a fool trusts either of them. P.J. O'Rourke, Parliament of Whores, 1992, p. xix
Democrats want to be your Mother. |
No matter how irresponsible and feckless you are, however much a burden or hurtful to others, they still want to nurture and take care of you -- with their own diet of nourishing roughage and edifying nagging, of course. |
Republicans want to be your Father. |
If you don't do what you're told, you are going to be punished. And even if the punishment destroys your life, it is for your own good. At least it will put you in right with God. |
Libertarians don't think government is either of your Parents. |
As an adult, you are on your own, with your family and others who associate with you voluntarily; and as long as you leave other people alone and don't damage, steal, or defraud their property, what you do is your own concern. |
![]() Environmentalists for 9/11! | ![]() the Drug Warriors for 9/11! |
The World Trade Center towers collapsed, killing thousands, because of "environmentalist" scare-mongering.
The World Trade Center towers were designed to withstand the impact of fully loaded 707 aircraft. Part of this design was asbestos insulation that would prevent burning aircraft fuel from melting the interior steel supports of the buildings. After the towers had been built to the 45th floor, however, the use of asbestos insulation was discontinued because of protests from environmentalists. The asbestos was regarded as too toxic to use. One engineer then predicted that a fire above 45th floor on either of the buildings would result in their collapse. He was right. Is asbestos really so hazardous? No. There are different mineralogical varieties of asbestos. Some varities are dangerous, and their fibers can cause nasty forms of lung cancer. Most of the asbestos mined and used in North American, on the other hand, is entirely harmless. The hysteria over asbestos in the World Trade Center, and most other places, was thus unncessary -- and dangerous. Asbestos has always been a superior fire-proofing insulation, which is why it was used in the first place. Leaving it out of the World Trade Center was perilous. Now thousands of people have died because of the falsehoods of environmentalist scare-mongering. Will they admit their error and their guilt? Not likely. They will keep imposing costs, dangers, and tyranny and blame others. [note] |
Why did police arrest 734,498 pot-smokers, instead of tracking murderous terrorists?
American law enforcement is guilty of something close to "criminal neglect" for arresting 734,498 people for marijuana violations last year -- instead of investigating and stopping murderous terrorists, the Libertarian Party says. "Thousands of innocent Americans may be dead because law enforcement considered it more important to raid college frat parties and arrest people for smoking marijuana than to find and stop the deadly terrorist 'sleeper' cells that were plotting the greatest mass murder in American history," said Steve Dasbach, the party's national director. "You just have to wonder: If the tens of thousands of law enforcement officers, the millions of man-hours, and the billions of dollars that were spent monitoring, investigating, arresting, charging, processing, jailing, and bringing to trial non-violent marijuana users had been used, instead, for anti-terrorist activities -- could the September 11 atrocity have been prevented?" Among the materials seized from the World Trade Center bombers of 1993 were plans for hijacking airplanes and crashing them into buildings. Nothing was done about this. |
Reject the Left! | Reject the Right! |
Tzu-lu put up for the night at the Stone Gate.
The gatekeeper said, "From whom have you come?"
Tzu-lu answered, "From Mr. K'ung."
"Is that the one who keeps pursuing a goal that he knows is hopeless?"[Analects, 14:38 (or 14:41), after D.C. Lau & James Legge]
A survey conducted by the Marshall School of Business at USC and by the Los Angeles Times -- and reported in that newspaper Sept. 23 -- found that despite a supposed economic boom, a disturbing one-sixth of small businesses in southern California report their revenues have fallen by 10 percent or more in the past year. Fifty-two percent said they have seen no growth. Fifteen percent of the California businesses surveyed said they were considering leaving the state.
And while the respondents also named competitive pressure from major chain stores, a shortage of skilled labor, and trouble getting financing as reasons to consider such a move, the most compelling tales of woe consistently mentioned another factor: government red tape.
Southern California business owners "uniformly complained about anti-business policies coming out of Sacramento," the Times reported. But business owners in the city of Los Angeles reported local government is even worse, with its "endless fees, cumbersome permit process and astronomical business tax. Granada Hills accountant Gail Hargrove says an entrepreneur client of hers worked in Los Angeles for 11 months and got socked with $11,000 in city business taxes, compared with the $124 a year she's paying now in Glendale."
Ms. Hargrove says her first piece of professional advice to such clients is her simplest: "Move."
[September 27, 1998, THE LIBERTARIAN, By Vin Suprynowicz, "Just like back home"]
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