Rutgers University, Spring 2017 K.L. Ross, Philosophy 308, Early Modern Philosophy, Office: 106 Somerset St., Room 547 Hume, Kant, and the 18th Century Office Hour: Friday, 11:30-12:30 TuF 9:50-11:10 AM, AB 2150 SYLLABUS SIRS course survey, until 11:59 PM, Thursday, May 4 -- Student Instructional Rating Survey -- TEXTS: The Portable Enlightenment Reader, edited by Isaac Kramnick, Penguin Books, 1995; all pages cited below from this book CONTENTS: This course is intended as a survey of modern Western philosophy in the 18th century, with emphasis on Hume, Kant, and the Enlightenment 1. Background: 18th Century History; 17th Century Philosophy & Science Before Galileo The Duke of Marlborough 2. Space and Time: Newton, Leibniz, & Kant Newton at the Mint Parmenides of Elea and the Way of Truth Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) The Clarke-Leibniz Debate Some Metaphysics of Angular Momentum and Gravity 3. Geometry: Euclid, Saccheri, & Kant Euclid's Axioms and Postulates Three Points in Kant's Theory of Space and Time Kant's Transcendental Idealism 4. Cosmology, Astronomy Note on Kant's Astronomy A Summary of Modern Cosmology 5. *Quiz I 7. The Enlightenment: History, Politics Machiavelli's View of Government Decadence, Rome and Romania, and the Emperors Who Weren't The Fiction and Tyranny of "Administrative Law" The State of Nature and Other Political Thought Experiments "Federalist No. 10," Madison, 459 The French Revolution 9. Spring Break 10. The Enlightenment: History, Politics John Locke (1632-1704) "A Letter Concerning Toleration," Locke, p.81 "The Second Treatise of Civil Government," Locke, p.395 Positive and Negative Liberty Thomas Jefferson Rights, Responsibilities, and Communitarianism "Discourse on the Origin of Inequality," Rousseau, p.424 10. The Enlightenment: Economics, Politics Smith's Law "Justly Discredited," Trade, Moneylending, & Capital Cargo Cult Economics Positive, Negative and Zero Sum Games "The Wealth of Nations," Smith, p.505 "The Fable of the Bees," Mandeville, p.242 11. *Midterm Exam, Due April 4th 11. The Enlightenment: History, Religion "What Is Enlightenment?" Kant, p.1 "On Enthusiasm," Shaftesbury, p.90 11. The Enlightenment, Politics "Vindication of the Rights of Women," Wollstonecraft, p.618 Racism "Negroes... Naturally Inferior to the Whites," Hume, p.629 "African Slavery in America," Paine, p.645 11. The Enlightenment: Geology, Chemistry The Pulse of the Earth, Orogenies & Transgressions The Chemical Elements 12. First Philosophy: Logic, Empiricism & Rationalism The Arch of Aristotelian Logic 12. Hume: Epistemology Hume Shifts the Burden of Proof The Pyrrhonist & Academic Skeptics 12. Hume: Ethics, Politics, Miracles Key Distinctions for Value Theories, and the Importance of Hume "Of Miracles and the Origin of Religon," Hume, p.109 On Miracles 13. *Quiz II, April 21 13. Kant: Epistemology Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) Analytic and Synthetic: Kant and the Problem of First Principles Intuition and Mysticism in Kantian Philosophy 14. Kant: Metaphysics Kant's Transcendental Idealism 15. Kant: Ethics & Religion Kant's Psychological Types Kant's Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals The Crooked Timber of Humanity Kant and Schopenhauer on Music Kant and Fries on Faith God After Kant Kant on Judaism 15. Summary & Reflections 17. *Final Exam, Wednesday, May 10, 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM NOTE: The tentative schedule above, week by week, is subject to expansion and/or contraction, depending on decisions about the material to be used and on the nature and pace of in-class discussion. Classes this semester run from January 17th, 2017, to May 1st, so that the last meeting of this class is on April 28th. Finals run from May 4th to May 10th. Final exams will be administered according to university policy. During the Spring Semester, pending announcements to the contrary, Final exams will be administered during the assigned exam period, according to the University’s Exam Schedule.OVERVIEW: Philosophy in the 18th century included significant developments in epistemology, metaphysics, and science, as well as in moral and political thought. The political thought of the age, embedded in the broad movement of the "Enlightenment," contributed to the significant historical events of the American and French Revolutions. It was widely perceived that philosophers, particularly the intellectuals popularly called philosophes, had contributed to these events. However, the period also saw the endgame in the purely philosophical dispute between the largely British "Empiricists" and the mainly Continental "Rationalists," culminating in Immanuel Kant, who tried to reconcile the approaches. As previously taught, the focus of this course seems to have mainly been on the social, political, and religious developments during the Enlightenment. See the previous "Overview" statement. The textbook for that class, which some students may have bought, Evil in Modern Thought, An Alternative History of Philosophy, by Susan Neiman [Princeton, 2002], reflects such emphasis. Indeed, the book is entirely taken up the story and the heritage of the Enlightenment assault on religion, theology, and theodicy. This is a significant issue in the heritage of the Enlightenment, but is also only a fragment of concerns at the time, and of developments that affected the future, both inside and outside philosophy. In the history of philosophy, few philosophers are as important as Hume and Kant, yet their political influence, for instance, was only peripheral -- if we can even say that much, especially when Hume's sympathies were with the monarchist Tories, despite his atheism. On the other hand, even while he was relatively complacent about religion, the political influence of Jean Jacques Rousseau was powerful; yet the tyranny and massacre of the Reign of Terror were themselves properly perceived as due to his influence. Note that the text now assigned for this class, The Portable Enlightenment Reader, also provides us little on the more technical philosophical issues. The many links above to on-line treatments should make up the difference.
POLICIES: While this is basically a lecture course, students should feel no reluctance to interrupt the lecture with questions or observations, as long as they are relevent to the material or, at least, to the course or philosophy. Dedicated discussion periods are not scheduled because they may or may not be called for or desired at particular points, and the pleasure of philosophy classes is often through digressions that develop spontaneously and perhaps wander a bit from the topic. Individual classes are all different in terms of those involved, and different classes on the same topic may develop very different dynamics. Attendance is expected. Students experiencing some difficulties, who may not find satisfaction from the classroom presentation or discussion, should consult with me during my office hour on Fridays, 11:30-12:30. Students also sometimes form study groups for the class, and this can be helpful. Note that the last day to withdraw from the class without a "W" grade is January 24th; and the last day to drop with "W" is March 20th. The material at this or that point in the syllabus may seem to some relatively or overly simple, and it may not seem necessary to attend this or that class. However, material is often presented in the lectures that is not otherwise available, and what is missed usually cannot simply be recovered from Wikipedia. Philosophers disagree, Wikipedia can be biased, incomplete, or incorrect, and while no one is required to agree with anything in this class, everyone is required to at least know what it is. Outside materials or opinions are welcome so long as they are not a substitute for awareness or discussion of the materials of the course. It is university policy that students are expected to attend all of their classes. Unavoidable absences should be reported with the university’s on-line "Self-Reporting Absence Application," with the date and reason for the absence. This will also be reported to me. This self-reporting mechanism is governed by the University Code of Student Conduct. Anyone not already familiar with this essential policy, please consult it soon. It is the responsibilty of students of obtain notes from others for classes that they may have missed. Since notes sometimes are confused, points may be clarified during office hours. Exams that are missed, reported as described above, whether in-class or take-home, can be made up before the the tests are graded and returned. Since with quizzes this will usually be by the next class meeting, anyone missing a quiz should be present prepared to take it promptly at that time. Anyone coming in late will have missed their chance. Please also refraining from doing other course work or unrelated activities during class. Conversation and other byplay is appropriate only if "talking amongst yourselves" means preparing to ask a question or contribute to a discussion. It is now common for college students to take notes on laptop computers or similar devices. While this is acceptable in this class, cell phones or other devices, used for other purposes, are not allowed, and anyone using their laptop for e-mail or video games may be asked to stow the device or leave the class. I have previously allowed students to tape record lectures. However, Rutgers University has policies against this, unless both instructor and all students involved give their written permission to be recorded. In practical terms this precludes the regular recording of lectures. Violating policy may subject students to University discipline, under the University’s "Code of Student Conduct." Please adhere thoroughly to all course policies, here and as may be included in in-class or electronic communication, and to university policies, including the university’s Policy on Academic Integrity. The Policy defines plagiarism as the representation of the words or ideas of another as one’s own in any academic work. Intentionally committing plagiarism is a serious offense with severe consequences. Instructors are required to report students who intentionally violate this policy to the Department Chair and to the Office of Student Judicial Affairs. The most common forms of plagiarism are: Quoting directly or paraphrasing without acknowledging the source (this includes copying or paraphrasing material from a web site without providing a proper citation for the site). Presenting the work of another as one’s own. Submitting purchased materials such as term papers. Note that cutting and pasting material from Wikipedia or elsewhere does not conceal its origin from a Google search. Anyone in doubt as to what constitutes plagiarism, and thus what to avoid, please consult the above link, and in particular the links there to “Student Resources” and “Multimedia Resources.” The Policy establishes levels of violations and recommends sanctions. Depending upon the severity of the case and the level of the violation, the sanctions for these violations include: a failing grade for the assignment, failure in the course, mandatory participation in a series of non-credit academic integrity workshops, academic probation, and/or suspension.
TESTS: The course grade will be determined by a Final, worth half the grade, a Midterm, worth a quarter, and two Quizzes, each worth an eighth. The dates of the quizzes and midterm will be announced well in advance, and the midterm may be a take-home test. Close grades, or inconsistent grades, may be adjusted in light of factors such as class participation and attendance. The quizzes are intended mainly to test factual material in the course, while the other tests will be essays on general comprehension of the material. Point values are assigned to grades as follows: F=0, D=3, C=6, B=9, A=12. Minuses subtract one point, and pluses add one. A C+ is thus worth 7. The midterm grade is worth 1/4 of the course grade, the quizzes 1/8 each, and the final 1/2. The course grade is therefore calculated in this way: {[2x(Midterm) + (Quiz I + Quiz II) + 4x(Final)]/8}. Missed tests or quizzes will count as F's unless made up. For the purpose of the following rule, the grades of the two quizzes will be combined. That grade or the midterm grade (or an F for a missed midterm) will be dropped if the grade is improved by the substitution of the grade of the final with the penalty of one letter grade (subtracting 3 points). For instance, an A+ (13) on the final means that a midterm grade, or a combined quiz grade, lower than a B+ (10) is replaced with a B+. If the course grade is as much as 10 (B+), without rounding, an A will be awarded. If a 7 (C+), a B; a 4 (D+), a C; and a 1 (F+), a D.
All written work not completed and submitted in class, will be submitted on-line, under the “Assignments” link in Sakai, and in the process will be filtered through, resulting in an “Originality Report,” with a percentage-based “Similarity Index,” relative to internet sources, publications, and student papers from Rutgers and across the country. Any Turnitin Originality Report indicating significant suspicion of plagiarism will be forwarded automatically, without warning or prior discussion, to the University, from whom the authors will hear subsequently, and with whom they will have to deal ultimately, with the possible outcomes as noted. For anyone wanting or needing assistance in their writing, there is a Writing Center available. All written work done outside of class to be submitted electronically must be appropriately formatted, using Microsoft’s Word, Rich Text Format (.rtf), ASCII text format (.txt), or even HTML (.htm or .html). These are the only computer formats that I have at my disposal. The files you submit must have a .doc, .rtf, .txt, .htm or .html suffix. They are missing one of these suffixes, or has some other one, then I will be unable to review your work and submit a grade for it. Please be sure in addition that the file bears only your last name and your first name, in this order and connected by a hyphen. Examples of files prepared properly include the following: edwards-robert.doc, jones-robert.rtf, or roberts-edward.txt. If you submit files improperly formatted, you risk my not being able to review them, and seeing your overall grade suffer as a result. Assignment and course grades will be posted to our Sakai “Gradebook” as available. Course grades will be posted ultimately to the university’s “Rosters and Electronic Grading Information System” (REGIS).
STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Rutgers abides by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments (ADAA) of 2008, and Sections 504 and 508 in particular, which mandate reasonable accommodations be provided for qualified students with disabilities and the accessibility of online information. If you have a disability and may require some type of instructional and/or examination accommodation, please reach out to me as soon as possible, so that I can provide or facilitate in providing accommodations you may need. To this effect, if you have not already done so, please register with the Office of Disability Services, the designated office on campus to provide services and administer exams with accommodations for students with disabilities.
Information in this syllabus may be updated or amended by electronic or in-class announcements. Before class, please review carefully all electronic announcements and bring to class any questions or concerns.
The Proceedings of the Friesian School