I have not done wrong.
The "Negative Confession" or Protestation of Ani, The Egyptian Book of the Dead, The Book of Going Forth by Day, The Complete Papyrus of Ani, Featuring Integrated Text and Full-Color Images, translated by Dr. Raymond O. Faulkner [1994, 1998, Chronicle Books, San Francisco, 2008, Chapter 125, Plate 31], hieroglyphic transcription, E.A. Wallis Budge, The Egyptian Book of the Dead, The Papyrus of Ani [1895, Dover Publications, 1967, p.198] -- the first Confession as translated, but the 42nd and last in the order of the manuscript.
The Master said, "Acquired by unrighteousness,
wealth and rank are to me as a floating cloud."Confucius, Analects XVII:15/16, translation after James Legge [1893], Arthur Waley [1938], and D.C. Lau [1979]
Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the oftener and more steadily we reflect on them: the
starry heavens above me and the moral law within me.
Zwei Dinge erfüllen das Gemüt mit immer neuer and zunehmenden Bewunderung und Ehrfurcht, je öfter und anhaltender sich das Nachdenken damit beschäftigt: Der bestirnte Himmel über mir, und das moralische Gesetz in mir.
Immanuel Kant, Critique of Practical Reason [Lewis White Beck translation, A Liberal Arts Press Book, Bobbs-Merrill, 1956, p.166]; Kritik der praktischen Vernunft, A 289 [Kritik der praktischen Vernunft, Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten, Herausgaben von Wilhelm Weischedel, Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft, Erste Auflage, 1974, 1956, p.300].
The total character of the world, however, is in all eternity chaos -- in the sense not of a lack of necessity but of a lack of order, arrangement, form, beauty, wisdom, and whatever other names there are for our aesthetic anthropomorphisms... it is neither perfect nor beautiful, nor noble, nor does it does it wish to become any of these things.
Der Gesamtcharakter der Welt ist dagegen in alle Ewigkeit Chaos, nicht im Sinne der fehlenden Notwendigkeit, sondern der fehlenden Ordnung, Gliederung, Form, Schönheit, Weisheit, und wie alle unsere ästhetischen Menschlichkeiten heißen... es ist weder vollkommen, noch schön, noch edel, und will nichts von alledem werden.
Friedrich Nietzsche, Hüten wir uns!, §109, Die fröhliche Wissenschaft, 1882, Uberarbeitete Neuauflage, Lunata Berlin 2020, p.108; "Let us beware," The Gay Science, translated by Walter Kaufmann, Vintage Books, 1974, p.168. The perfect statement of Nietzschean Nihilism. The world isn't even beautiful, which would have astounded Plato, Schopenhauer, and even Kant. This is extraordinary for a philosopher to whom only the aesthetic is meaningful. But it is an aesthetic of autistic anthropocentrism, morally detached from other people and metaphysically detached from external reality.
ἢ οὐκ ἔξεστί μοι ποιῆσαι ὃ θέλω ἐν τοῖς ἐμοῖς;
Aut non licet mihi quod volo facere?
Or am I not allowed to do what I wish with mine own?
The Master said, "Isn't it Consideration?
What you don't want yourself, don't do to others."Confucius, Analects XV:23/24, translation after James Legge [1893], Arthur Waley [1938], and D.C. Lau [1979]
ἄνδρες Ἀθηναῖοι, ἀσπάζομαι μὲν καὶ φιλῶ,
πείσομαι δὲ μᾶλλον τῷ θεῷ ἢ ὑμῖν.Men of Athens, I am grateful and I am your friend,
but I will obey the god rather than you.Socrates, Plato's Apology of Socrates, 29d
ἀμὴν [
] λέγω ὑμῖν,
ἀπέχουσιν τὸν μισθὸν αὐτῶν.
Amen dico vobis, receperunt mercedem suam.
Verily I say onto you, they have their reward.Matthew 6:5
माकर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मातेसङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणिKarmaṇy evādhikāras te mā phaleṣu kadācana /
mā karmaphalahetur bhūr mā te sango 'stv akarmaṇi,Set thy heart upon thy work, but never on its reward.
Work not for a reward; but never cease to do thy work.The Bhagavad Gita, 2:47, Juan Mascaró translation [Penguin Books, 1962, p.52; Sanskrit, The Bhagavadgitā in the Mahābhārata, Text and Translation, by J.A.B. van Buitenen, University of Chicago Press, 1981, p.78; Devanāgarī transcription by editor]; compare Kant's Categorial Imperative.
The State of Nature has a Law of Nature to govern it, which obliges every one: And Reason, which is that Law, teaches all Mankind, who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his Life, Health, Liberty, or Possessions.
John Locke, The Second Treatise of Civil Government, §6
[Romans 2:14] For when gentiles [ἔθνη] who have not the law [τὰ μὴ νόμον ἔχοντα] do [ποιῶσιν] by nature [φύσει] what is of the law [τὰ τοῦ νόμου], even though they do not have the law, they are a law to themselves. [2:15] They show that the work of the law [τὸ ἔργον τοῦ νόμου; Sanskrit
, karmadharmasya] is written [γραπτόν] in their hearts [ἐν ταῖς καρδίαις αὐτῶν].
Master Tseng said, "Our Master's way is simply this:
Conscientiousness and consideration."Confucius, Analects IV:15, translation after James Legge [1893], Arthur Waley [1938], and D.C. Lau [1979]
Das moralische Urtheilen und Verurtheilen ist die Lieblings-Rache der Geistig-Beschränkten an Denen, die es weniger sind, auch eine Art Schadenersatz dafür, daß sie von der Natur schlecht bedacht wurden, endlich eine Gelegenheit, Geist zu bekommon und fein zu werden: -- Bosheit vergeistigt.
The making of moral judgments and condemnations is the favorite revenge of those of limited mind on those who are less so; it is also a sort of compensation for having been ill-favored by nature; but ultimately it is an opportunity to get a mind and to become more subtle. For malice spiritualizes.
Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil, translated by Marianne Cowan, Henry Regnery Company, 1955, p.143, translation modified; Jenseits von Gut und Böse, Philipp Reclam, Stuttgart, 1988, p.133 [daß restored for dass], color added.
ὃς δ᾽ ἂν εἴπῃ· μωρέ, ἔνοχος ἔσται εἰς τὴν Γέενναν τοῦ πυρός.
Qui autem dixerit, fatue, reus erit Gehennae ignis.
And whoever says, "You fool!" shall be liable to the Hell of fire.Matthew 5:22; see μωρός and reus;
Greek Γέεννα, Latin Gehenna, Hebrew, "Hell."
The Master said, "He who exercises government by means of virtue
may be compared to the North Star, which keeps its place
and all the stars bow towards it."Confucius, Analects II:1, translation after James Legge [1893], Arthur Waley [1938], D.C. Lau [1979], and Joanna C. Lee & Ken Smith [2010]
In the Kingdom of Ends everything has either a price or a dignity. Whatever has a price can be replaced by something else as its equivalent; on the other hand, whatever is above all price, and therefore admits of no equivalent, has a dignity.
Im Rieche der Zwecke hat alles entweder einen Preis, oder eine Würde. Was einein Preis had, an dessen Stelle kann auch etwas anderes, als Äquivalent, gesetzt werden; was dagegen über allen Preis erhaben ist, mithin kein Äquivalent verstattet, das hat eine Würde.
Immanuel Kant, Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals [Lewis White Beck translation, The Library of the Liberal Arts, Bobbs-Merrill, 1959, p.53]; Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten, A/B 77 [Band VII der Werkausgabe, Herausgaben von Wilhelm Weischedel, Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft, Erste Auflage, 1974, 1995, p.68] -- note, only fungible things with prices can be replaced by something equivalent; things with dignity are never fungible.