The Principles
of Friesian Philosophy

Then let us again examine, Euthyphro, whether that is a sound statement [εἰ καλῶς λέγεται -- if said truly], or do we let it pass, and if one of us, or someone else, merely says that something is so, do we accept that it is so? Or should we examine [ἢ σκεπτέον] what the speaker means? [τί λέγει ὁ λέγων; -- what the speaker says?]

Socrates, Euthryphro 9e [G.M.A. Grube translation, Plato, Five Dialogues, Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Meno, Phaedo, Hackett Publishing Company, 1981, p. 14]

On the other hand, excellence of every kind is always only an exception, one case in millions; therefore, if it has shown itself in a lasting work, this subsequently exists in isolation, after it has outlived the rancour of its contemporaries. It is preserved like a meteorite, sprung from another order of things, from that which prevails here.

Hingegen das Treffliche jeder Art immer nur eine Ausnahme, ein Fall aus Millionen ist, daher auch, wenn es sich in einem dauernden Werke kund gegeben, dieses nachher, nachdem es den Groll seiner Zeitgenossen überlebt hat, isolirt dasteht, aufbewahrt wird, gleich einem Meteorstein, aus einer andern Ordnung der Dinge, als die hier herrschende ist, entsprungen.

Arthur Schopenhauer, Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung, Band 1, §59 [Reclam, 1987, p.457], The World as Will and Representation, Volume I [Dover Publications, 1966, E.F.J. Payne translation, p.324], translation modified, color added.

The professor of philosophy who forgets that philosophy is about wisdom may still be a real lover of knowledge, may still be a great creative scholar, and may even still be a very good person, but he will not really be a philosopher. When he speaks, especially on moral, practical, or political matters, his words may represent nothing but the most dangerous folly, without the Socratic perspective and drive to correct it. All too often, brilliant fools seem to be the stock-in-trade of academia and the intelligentsia -- remembering George Orwell saying that some things are so absurd, that only an intellectual would believe them.

Τηλεπατητικός (Telepateticus)

This page is intended as a brief description of ideas and principles characteristic of the Friesian and other modifications of Kantian philosophy editorially recommended in the Proceedings of the Friesian School, Fourth Series. More detailed explanations will be found elsewhere at the site. For brevity, familiarity with certain philosophical issues and theories is often presupposed, so these descriptions may not be as accessible as the essays listed on the Home Page under "Topics and Essays on the Site".

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